Midwest Forensic Consultants
Training Sessions
Email info@midwestforensicconsultants.com for more information

Real Time Crime Center Operator Training
(8 hours - 1 Day)
This course familiarizes the students with the basics of operations in the Real Time Crime Center environment. Students learn how to virtually respond to calls for service. The course is meant for anyone who needs to know the best practices of a Real Time Crime Center.

Forensic Video Recovery for Investigators
( 24 hours - 3 - Day)
This is the most comprehensive forensic video course. Students will receive hands-on, scenario-based training, using industry best practices. Students learn basic concepts of forensic video analysis to enable file playback. Students will conduct exercises extracting files from actual DVR systems of different types to gain an understanding of the challenges and finally, Students will learn how to make video narratives out of the extracted data to aid in suspect identification.

Video Narratives for Suspect Identification
(16 hours - 2 Days)
Once forensic practitioners have completed the sometimes troublesome tasks of video evidence recovery and footage playback, how do we get our suspect identified? How many people actually view footage of the incident instead of some still images? Students will gain the skills to create condensed videos for a variety of agency needs, from a variety of sources (Crime scene, Online, BWC) Videos for suspect identification, force review, agency transparency, intelligence purposes, and more, will be covered.

Digital Evidence Policy – Providing an operational framework to limit concerns. (16 hours - 2 Days)
With the increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives and as a byproduct, Tech’s involvement in criminal investigations, agencies around the world must provide guidance to its members on best practices on the collection, processing, and storage of digital evidence. Many types of digital evidence need special considerations during this process. Students will learn how to compose a framework, specific to their agency's needs.

Introduction to Digital Forensic Investigations (8 hours - 1 Day)
This seminar provides a digital evidence overview to law enforcement, providing foundational concepts and information regarding emerging trends. Students will be exposed to methods to gain insight into digital evidence. Video forensics, video analytics, mobile device forensics, call detail records analysis, as well as basic open-source intelligence methods will be covered.

Introduction to Mobile Device Forensic Investigations (8hrs - 1 day)
This seminar provides a mobile device investigations overview to investigators, providing foundational concepts and information regarding emerging trends. Students will be exposed to methods to gain insight mobile device forensics, call detail records analysis, as well as basic open source intelligence methods will be covered

Introduction to Video Surveillance Evidence (8hrs - 1 day)
This seminar provides a video surveillance concepts overview to investigators, providing foundational information regarding challenges in processing CCTV evidence. Students will be exposed to methods to gain insight on this important digital evidence. Video evidence is recovered in over 80% of criminal cases.